They have a strong connection with animals or nature spirits. This mega explosion affected the habitability of the surface of Mars and turned the Earths axis. What others have said about a reading with erin lynn. There are lots of similarities between the two groups but also some vast differences. I am not sure if these two groups were simply lumped together with no differentiation made or not. They are neighbors to the Ankaans and these souls will frequently incarnate there. Nihal's Rap Special. In order for them to succeed here, they must find a balance between their spiritual selves and social lives. The Isley Brothers have released four double platinum, six platinum, and four gold albums. They are attractive (by our earthly ideals) with blond hair and caucasian skin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. They will pick up on subtleties that most people wont notice because of their highly developed intuition. If you think you may be a Nihal or a Gamma Nihal starseed soul, have your Akashic Record read by me. Here is a brief Nihal overview to help us understand the Gamma Nihals. Erin helped me unlock knowledge that was hiding within and shed light on who I really am. Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, Blue Ray Children - Easy To Mistake For Indigo. The more planets the older the soul, the more reincarnations it has been evolving. They will also be greatly affected by radiation from mobile phones, laptops, televisions, routers, etc., and may need to sleep in places where they are not distracted. The sirian starseed abilities are: They are good at expressing themselves with the opposite sex. Syrians have great consideration for honesty and integrity, dont expect to be your friends too quickly. This group is for Nihal starseeds seeking other Nihal souls to share the energy with and learn from each other about being from Nihal and what that means we Akashic Record Readers have been working with these clients for decades. I was identified through Akashic Reading that I am NIHAL Starseed a while back, but at that time I could not find any details or expanded information on the subject! There is a large number of people on our planet whose origin is marked in this star system. Since this is a soul group that I did not discover, I had no plans to write about them or to commission an artwork showing their likeness. The term Akasha, where we get the term Akashic, is a Sanskrit word for aether. The souls that come from there are many of the so-called children or adults indigo or crystal today. Erin, respect and much love to you for the information you gave me through your skill, it has helped me greatly and put many things into perspective.. The Nihal soul group resides on Beta Leporis in the Lepus Constellation and the Gamma Nihals come from Gamma Leporis in the same constellation. Nihal is the Arabic name for these planets and the beings from both these worlds prefer the Arabic version. They can do this by following the same rules that they go by, this may mean some changes in their behavior to be accepted by society. That is why they are people who can feel a certain sadness and feel somewhat uncomfortable with their role in life, because in a way they were forced to leave their home. Their progressiveness simply lies in their thinking and their approach to their personal lives. WebShort VLOG of the Arizona Soul Brothers Annual Weekend in Phoenix, AZ 2019. That is why Nihals are the ones who will go out in public to protest for what they believe in because it feels like an important thing to do when someone else might not even care enough to take action. As a result, there is a plethora of information on the internet about the traits the Hadarian souls bring forth into the physical. It literally brought tears to my eyes, and if I didnt know any better I could swear that this article was written about me personally. One of its objectives is to help protect and free the planet from negative influences of other races, although without a specific objective, which can make them feel disoriented as to what they have come to do exactly here. They are usually quite artistic and are very connected to their body, and use it to connect spiritually by dancing or doing physical exercises. Erin and I are strangers, yet she was telling me about my likes, dislikes, character and traits, strengths and weaknesses that only I know or suspected. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. They can change jobs, homes or partners in their continuous search. Akashic Records Readings by Erin Lynn. WebWelcome to A Beautiful Soul Holistic Counseling. I highly recommend anyone to have their Akashic Record read by Erin. They are good artists, writers and actors. Nihals also carry a lot of Indigo characteristics as well so Nihals can be very creative and artistic. They also see through peoples tactics to control them with fear, guilt, and, shame so Nihals generally dont like to be around people who use these tactics. 5. You may be part of the Starseeds! If you feel you are a Nihal Starseed then you have been given a gift, embrace it and use this to help others. Nihal starseeds are the ones who will stay up all night talking about how unfair life is, and they often have a strong sense of justice. Originally this star was a place of deep clear waters where the war did not exist, for this reason, the Mintakans have a strong connection with the water (or they adore or hate it, they do not support the deep dark waters) and they have a very strong longing for their origin, thats why they are very homely and like to work from home. Nonetheless, the souls tend to be more intuitively inclined in an earthly body than the Nihals (in my experience). WebA Soul Group is comprised of a single person or group of people that your Soul energetically resonates with on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level at any given moment. So it can vary from soul to soul. Web2022 Billboard Music Awards (USA) Top Artist: Drake Top Male Artist: The Weeknd Top Female Artist: Olivia Rodrigo Top New Artist: Olivia Rodrigo Top Duo/Group: BTS Top Billboard 200 Album: "Sour" by Olivia Rodrigo Top Hot 100 Song: "Stay" by The Kid Laroi and Justin Bieber. I never felt for a minute like I was being told what I wanted to hear. I am told that 1 out of 100,000 souls, June 13, 2022 It was through a client Akashic Record reading that I first encountered these undiscovered beings, the Beta Sextantians. 2. They usually have disproportionate physical appearances or bodies with strange shapes. If you want to know how old your soul is, which star system you came from, how many lifetimes, what special skills and gifts you have, why you are here on Earth now, what is your purpose, how come you just know some things and not know how or why, and so much more. They may feel they want to visit the homes of past lives, wanting to visit certain places or interested in certain areas without realizing why. It took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group and their already well-known neighbors, the Nihals. WebANAND AND ANAND advised the Hamdard group of companies, which owns the well-known beverage Sharbat Rooh Afza, in its successful appeal against Sadar They are the souls that dont create and innovate from scratch. At some point, they will recognize that the freedom they are looking for, and the beliefs of being trapped, are not due to their real conditions. Nihals have many qualities that other starseed dont have, they are extremely psychic and sensitive. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Most people who come from Vega have a strong sense of responsibility, cooperation, group vision, caring for others and care for their immediate surroundings, and often find satisfaction in working with children, those who are sick or in need of attention and support. Then they find themselves in many communicative conflicts because not everyone is prepared to hear them. By sharing it here you can find like-minded people, with the same origin and purpose, and perhaps we can take another step towards the re-evolution of the planet, which is what we have come for! Thank you so very much for this information!!! The Ankaans are a soul group of origination from the planet Ankaa located in the Phoenix Constellation, its the brightest star crowning the Phoenixs head. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It is a very distinct feature of theirs. They are usually quite thin people and have a developed interest in healthy nutrition, since their metabolism does not need huge amounts of food. WebNilah build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Her passion is to make the spiritual world easier to understand and to uncover who we are at the soul level. Nihals are very progressive in their thinking and actions. Nihal belongs to the constellation Lepus or the hare and is located below Orion and on the right side of Sirius. These souls usually have a moderate amount of experience on Earth, with an average of 35 lifetimes. They think this is the day of purification. We are all born with gifts and the Akashic Records have identified certain gifts They are neighbors to Spica with whom they have a good relationship. Another part of its population was very spiritual, and its mission was to achieve the evolution of the planet, but they did not get it, so after losing the planet they decided to continue incarnating in other places where their experience and advice is needed, always dedicated to peace and to the development of the spirit. Thank you Erin for your relaxed approach to sharing and for channeling this valuable information!!. Nihal Starseeds can also benefit by surrounding themselves with positive individuals who will encourage their spiritual growth. They also maintain the same youthful energies throughout their earthly lifetimes as their neighbors do. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. They usually choose Sirian souls as parents in order to be protected and understood. Watch popular devotional Telugu Audio song ' Vinuthintu Vignapathi ' online sung By Shoba Raju. More clips from Nihal. Origin Mintakan, incarnated as Andromedan, Nihal, Spichan, and Hadarian , Beautiful work Karen stay strong, mix of andromedans and sirians for me which is confirmed on the sirius side when I worked in the light chambers in ancient egypt and atlantis. We are all born with gifts and the Akashic Records have identified certain gifts that I have always known I hold deep knowledge of, but have not yet understood how to use them. Visit the FAQs page and learn more about the process, what to expect, and other commonly asked questions. Nihal souls remain very youthful at any age (they even seem to physically age slower than the rest of us) and have a bright, fun energy about them. Being in isolation during COVID-19 has ignited me to reconnect to my spirituality. They can be very good at teaching, healing or professions that require traveling. These souls are well liked in their communities and have no trouble making lots of friends. For this reason they are considered progressive, since the feminine side is more understanding and respectful. Please try it again: Thanks, Hello, My name is Walter Spivey. But true freedom comes exclusively from within. That is why they will need to recharge themselves in nature, alone, far from the mental, emotional and physical noise of this three-dimensional life. It is discovered only by building self-love and inner spiritual being. You are an empath and are strongly connected to the emotions of the people around you. They were among the first groups of souls to come to our planet to assist in its evolution. The reading was done professionally and with kindness, so that these revelations could be processed and understood in the context of my present being. It is said that Nihals are born into the world as a means of balancing its energies, which can become too imbalanced without their presence. In my early 20s I was in a path of deep spiritual awakening. The records stated certain of aspects ofmy soul that resonate very strongly as to how I see myself, nature and humanity in this lifetime. Andromedansmust understand that they have self-esteem and self-confidence problems. WebA hungry soul will look with hopeful eyes at anything that promises to satisfy its hunger, anything, even a fake one. In general, Polarians are the people who keep the groups together, loyal to friends, jobs, people for years, even when it is no longer convenient for them or they need to change to evolve. Nihals are not impressed with the glamour of any elitist establishment, they have a deep belief in truth and honesty that most cant even comprehend. Pinterest They believe in making a difference in this world. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. Shes a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. And this knowledge can help us flow in this dimension in a more calm and harmonious way. They are very good withholding their doubts and insecurities inside and offer avery different face from the outside world. Therefore, they are still humanlike and can walk on either two or four legs. Also a spicans. Mylos are a rarity on Earth, with approximately 1 out of every 80,000 souls originating from there. Since learning about these fascinating beings I have since read for several Ankaan starseed clients. On the left is a Nihal male and on the right is a Gamma Nihal female with the Lepus Constellation in the background. They relate from non-judgment and compassion, can see life with perspective and remain in neutrality. This link with the earth leads them to physically suffer when there is seismic movements or natural disasters and leave them upset for a few days. Web408 Likes, 6 Comments - Nihalian (@nihal_soul_of_music) on Instagram: At Engagement ceremony of @saylikamble_music and @dhawal261192 .. congrats to both of you and They have psychic and telepathic powers. Var med i detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12! would love more information, Well, I was told by two readers that I was Andromedan and the description does seem to fit. Im ready, I want to schedule my reading. Everything resonated with me, and I enjoyed the way she detailed the information she provided me. They are people who care a lot about their surroundings, but sometimes more focused on satisfying the physical, safety and comfort needs of others than emotional needs. WebI invite you to align your career path with your souls truth: Eclipse workshop details. Nihal is fluent in Hindi, English, and Kannada languages. Younger brothers Ernie lsley (guitar) and Marvin Isley (bass) joined the group along with Rudolph's brother-in-law, Chris Jasper (keyboards). However, these beings from both of these planets have a good relationship with each other and do work together. The Higher Self of that Hadarian incarnation decided not to continue taking physical form in Beta Centaur since the conditions of the place had changed, and it was not possible to experience these high energies after that invasion. January 6, 2022 When I first encountered these beings they were uncomfortable being known on Earth. I have some questions before I commit to a reading. We created a Facebook group exclusively for Starseeds, so we can build a global community between us. They are not afraid of change and are the great visionaries of the change that our planet is living. NIHAL STARSEEDS Nihal belongs to the constellation Lepus or the hare and is located below Orion and on the right side of Sirius. The souls that come from there are many of the so-called children or adults indigo or crystal today. They are sensitive and endowed with various powers such as telepathy or psychism. Nihal Starseeds are very creative and they love music, art, poetry, or anything else that makes them feel inspired. It is the closest star system to the Sun, about 37 billion km. They are a paradigm of the fight against negativity in their own solar system. It is a somewhat more mysterious group of origin, as there are not many people who belong to this group, and the information is somewhat scarcer. However, they prefer to be called by their Arabic name, Alphirk which translates to the Redeemer. Syrians have a warrior attitude and are closely related to nature, they like to use technology that is friendly to nature. Like the Hopi Indians, they are closely linked to nature and water. Nihal starseeds might be the ones who can see through your facades and figure out if youre lying or not without even trying. As they love to communicate, they are usually interdimensional information channels and a lot of information can be channeled from them too. Nihals have trouble understanding why people behave the way that they do, or even worse a group of Nihals can make it seem like any behavior other than theirs doesnt exist. The totality of previous lifetime experiences and various trainings make us who we are today. That unconditional love of such high frequency does not exist on our planet, which can also lead them to have problems in the sentimental area. And although they dont have fur on their bodies like cats do, they have cattails and claws. You are interested in subjects that go beyond the ordinary, creativity is a very important part of your life. Some people identify members of their Soul Group as Soulmates as often there is a strong chemistry, connection or familiarity upon meeting. It took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group and their already well-known neighbors, the Nihals. Within the group of starseeds, information about people presenting this system as a place of origin is somewhat scarce. It is usually just to learn life lessons in a very challenging environment. In those situations you understand that everyone has their own pace of evolution and can not make anyone run, because they will encounter strong resistance. He was consequently invited to record some of his raps over the duo's existing tracks. These souls come here mostly to contribute these progressive energies and ideas to our world, but they also come here to learn. They represent unity, cooperation and community as opposed to the duality in which we live on this planet, and are the glue that holds the groups together. There are specially evolved Souls who have incarnated in more than one place and who spent enough time there to have influenced their way of being, such as when we emigrated to another place with an idiosyncrasy very different from ours, but with Time we integrate and we also make part of its characteristics. Basically the mission that this group of souls when incarnated on Earth is change and evolution. Those who have an origin in Andromeda seek freedom. The group expanded to six members in 1973 with their 3 + 3 album. It was an honor and a privilege to receive this once-in-a-lifetime information from Erin.. They will often embrace new technologies because Nihal is a very technologically advanced civilization that utilizes a lot of machines/gadgets in their everyday lives. These souls discussed in this blog are from the fixed star called Scheat or Beta Pegasi located in the Pegasus Constellation. This is a tiny planet that is located between two realms that are already known to us on Earth. WebNihal used to be the homeworld (or rather, home star) of the Xabinar (gryphons). Nihal la Ouf (Mouhi fati Nihal ) See Photos. The general pattern of behavior in society does not resonate with its essence. Its important for them not to judge people because that in itself is a negative behavior, rather the focus should be on accepting everyone as an equal human being. WebA hungry soul will look with hopeful eyes at anything that promises to satisfy its hunger, anything, even a fake one. Life there seems happy and fun, but very busy, like a utopian New York City energy to it. WebNihal Thomas (0000-0002-4614-9519) 0000-0002-4614-9519 Websites & social links Departmental Institutional Countries India account_circle Is this you? When not channeling information from the Akashic Records, you will find me planning an international adventure, gardening, being in nature, or spending time with my husband and animals. He belongs to a musical family. Since the negative Dracos work 100% with energies based on fear, their form of survival is based, when they are incarnated as people, in provoking all kinds of situations that generate emotions related to this frequency: anger, jealousy, depression, chaos, extreme agitation, confusion, etc. Even though they are easy-going and open, there is something that can bring them down easily; the idea of not being accepted for who they really are. Thank you Erin!. They generally stand out from the people around them, with ease of learning and wisdom beyond their years. They have the characteristic of using the Suns energy as a source of nutrition and energy (that is, on some level, they know how to nourish themselves much more than the rest of the potential that solar energy presents). Hence we have 365 days years instead of the original 360. May 22, 2021 Alpha Doradus, the brightest star in the Dorado Constellation, became known to me as I was reading for souls who identified as Blueprint Designers on this Earth realm. Instead of stumbling upon this new group due to a client Akashic Record reading, a man named Ken reached out to me because he was being contacted by this undiscovered extraterrestrial group and was having trouble clearly communicating with them. The beings that inhabit this realm do prefer the name Beta Pegasi over Scheat. I identify as a Spican Star Seed. Hello, my name is Erin Lynn, Im a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. Chapman later took up co-rapping duties alongside Arthanayake, with the line-up completed by bass player Johnny Dawe (previously of Hull band Death By Milkfloat). Alchiba is located at the tip of the crows beak almost as if ready to strike and this particular placement within this small constellation is interesting considering their warlike past. This is also how the Mylo and Beta Pegasi soul groups end up here. Highly recommended!, My reading with Erin was fantastic! However, they were forced to fight when they were invaded by the Reptilians. Both Nihals have excellent relationships with the Sirian soul group and will often have other Nihal or Sirian souls in their family or amongst their close friends. Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. They are young and less experienced souls, because they have only incarnated on Earth. Ruchbah is the Arabic name for Delta Cassiopeiae that translates to knee as the star is located at the knee of Queen Cassiopeia. Nihals value individuality and have strong self-esteem. From that moment on my life became completely different as I became aware of my entire spirit and a feeling of calmness slowly filled me. Gamma Nihals are not a subgroup of Nihal, they are their own unique realm Starseed souls who Artwork by Maria Isto. By having your Akashic Records read, the reasons of why you know what you know becomes clear and your life purpose becomes even clearer. The scientific name we use for Mylo found on our star maps is Omnicron Virginis and it is in the Virgo Constellation. For you, barriers between human beings should not exist. This 3-star resort offers room service and a 24-hour front desk. A little history according to the states of divination of the Hopi Indians, is that when the blue star Kachina appears in the sky, the fifth world can emerge. They are natural leaders with a warrior attitude. Souls who carry All the complexities of society, such as the economic system, conventional education, cultural norms or religions, seem totally foreign to you. They have a great love for their planet and that leads them to investigate about gems and crystal therapy, shamanism or ecology if they are awake, and if not, they are materialistic and with little spiritual ambition. It has a great overview of things, leaving aside the details, they plan in a big way, and the intermediate steps do not matter, if shortcuts can be found to reach the end, why not use them?. Entries for each day are listed alphabetically by surname. Procyon (Alpha Canis Minoris / Antecanis) is the brightest star in the constellation of Can Minor and the eighth brightest star in the night sky. They want to have fun and not take life too seriously. Blue Green Aura Meaning | What Does It Mean? I will keep this list solely to myself for the purpose of updating you about exciting news or new blog posts. Arcture, Arturo or Arcturus (Alpha Bootis) is the third brightest star in the night sky, after Sirius (in the constellation Canis Majoris) and Canopus (in Carinae). The Anlkkols call the planet Beta Phoenicis in the Phoenix Constellation, home. Gamma Nihals are very friendly, free-spirited, and curious people with good senses of humor. I was intrigued, but left it at that. Leave me in your comments if you have felt a special affinity with any of the Origins and how it manifests in your life. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. According to the ancient alien theory, the blue star Kachina are aliens. away, so they are like our closest galactic neighbors. Their function is to make it possible in this dimension. Var med i detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12! Based on what I learn from my Indigo clients Nihal souls here always been here, but they were relatively rare. Benevolent for the Chinese or Maya traditions, or terrible for the Europeans like Sant Jordi and the dragon, San Miguel and the dragon or Lucifer (the bearer of light). Unfortunately, due to a supernova, it's no longer inhabitable by large, complex life forms Nonetheless, some very experienced and powerful Ruchbahian souls have been incarnating on Earth to help with our liberation in. Related videos latest video It is important that you observe it and do a little meditation to get more details: just take a deep breath and stay blank for a few minutes to see what that resonance wants to tell you, you can still get perceptions of previous lives that take you to the origin of your Soul. I will keep this list solely to myself for the purpose of updating you about exciting news or new blog posts. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Nihal Starseed is a title given to those who have been reborn with special abilities and skills. In fact, most of them feel disappointed how people behave, even their parents. We are passionate about helping clients achieve fulfillment and satisfaction in their daily lives. Nihals have a problem with authority and wont bow down to any, just because this is how society works dont mean thats how it should be, they see a bigger picture. Information about people presenting this system as a result, there is a nihal soul group number of on! To six members in 1973 with their 3 + 3 album: https: // Thanks,,! Asked questions an empath and are nihal soul group great visionaries of the Origins and how it manifests in your comments you. An earthly body than the Nihals negativity in their thinking and their already neighbors. Learning and wisdom beyond their years with Erin lynn they can be good. This soul group as Soulmates as often there is a Sanskrit word for aether read for Ankaan... 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