Scout, on the other hand, suggests that "Fine Folk" means the hard work, dedication and morality of a person. Scout believes that Fine Folk were people that did the best they could with the sence they had. (130). Scout doesn't like Aunt Alexandra. Jem and Scouts visit to Calpurinas church could be described as educational. Jem and Atticus have very different reactions to the men who visit Atticus at night to discuss the case. The early chapters of the novel show a childish excitement and fear about the mysterious Boo Radley. 5. Atticus doesnt let the insults of other citizens of Maycomb discourage his intentions of defending Tom Robinson to the best of his ability. Henry and his wife then produced a son Francis whom they push off on Aunt Alexandra every Christmas so they dont have to spend time with him. 2. What are the Easy Home Remedies To Reduce Weight? First, Dill uses lying for acceptance from Jem and Scout. 4) Jem finds the visit they receive to be a rather upsetting ordeal. The men stopped antagonizing Atticus because they are still human and still value common courtesy and manners. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. This takes true courage when other kids tease her for being a coward and not sticking up for herself. Describe the conflict between Miss Caroline and Scout. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Nevertheless, they learned about the Negros that lived in the Quarters, and enjoyed their visit. Scout judges by personality. One of the men in the mob outside the jail at night is Walter Cunningham's father. What insights into the black life do Scout and Jem get when the attend Calpurnia's church? 6) I believe that the character of Dolphus Raymond was created by Harper Lee because she wanted to outline the fact that some people who had the opportunity to be something much more choose to be something much less. (14.28). Atticus does a much better job at raising his children. He was very calm in the face of danger and had in fact been expecting the visit sooner or later. He knew that the people would soon come to crack under pressure and try to gang up on him. When she is speaking to Mr. Cunningham about Walter she shows him that Atticus was kind to him. I would describe Sout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church as hectic. Richard when you say Atticus thinks like a lawyer yet tries to find the good in people, do those claims not contradict themselves. Somewhere, I had received the impression that fine folk were people who did the best they could with the sense . What else does the jury's behavior tell you about their decision? Why do you think Judge Taylor chose Atticus to defend Tom Robinson? I agree Justin but I think he also portrays the one who running away from his problems instead of facing them. "squatted on a piece of land" the finer they are. Harper Lee created the character Dolphus Raymond to show that not all whites in Maycomb were racist, and Atticus did not stand alone. 5. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. At first they felt as though they did not want [them] there, (119) but as soon as they were able to get past Lula, a cruel black woman that they encountered outside the church, both Scout and Jem calmed. How did the world community respond to genocides after World War II? The case never should have gone to trial because it is "as simple as black and white" . From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. When Jem and Scout visit Calpurnias church for the first time they are caught off guard. been raised with this understanding, presumably from Atticus, as it At the end of the day, i think his imagination just goes on and on and he needs a way to express all his thoughts, and thats through lying. Racism is such a strong influence in the lives of those who live in Maycomb County that everybody becomes involved when a situation happens between people of different races. Church, they came upon Lula. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Aunt Alexandra believes that the longer a family has been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was. (130)She judged people by what they inherited and what they had. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. "I think it's how long your family's been readin' and writin'. edgewater hotel haunted; can uk consultant doctors work in usa; is spitfire a compliment The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Scout is talking about her schoolmate, Walter, who only ever attends the first day of school. Explain Dills need to lie. I think Dill tells these stories to keep from feeling miserable and furious with his parents for not showing how much they love and care for him. Going to the church was an interesting experience for the children, especially for Scout. Seven years ago General David Petraeus and analyst Michael O'Hanlon wrote this paean to the U.S. military: The United States has the best military in the world today, by far. Scout had stopped a gang of wild animals, simply because theyre still human (157). She had helped her father in this situation by standing up for him. In Scout's eyes people get better through individual choice. This story is highly unlikely but it demonstrates Dills imaginative nature and his need for attention. During the trial in the courtroom, Jem and Scout: What is Judge Taylor's interesting habit? This shows that at this point, shes still a child, and after what she learned during the trial she understands that theres not much that innately divides groups of people. 2. In To Kill a Mockingbird , author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the segregated southern United . Teachers and parents! But at 49, in the middle of my breakdown, I didn't see any pattern. Anybody who wants to know more about these and other preservation programs for eagles should consult their local library or conservation club. They were usually at odds with each other. To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide Part Two: Chapters 13-30 Write in Complete Sentences and make sure your font is a different How does the mocking bird symbol arise again at this point of the story? 2. Scout, Jem, and Dill learned that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. (157). She couldnt understand why the members of the church didnt have a hymn book because she was so used to having one. The linin'[] (124) style of singing hymns intrigued Scout in how black people in the south ran their churches. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. In this sense, Atticus is trying to make Aunt Alexandra feel heard and respected, while also attempting to impress upon his children that they shouldnt take anything Aunt Alexandra says about family seriously. Dill lies about his family life in order to keep his pride. Although he was a drunk, he can still be used as role model for the people in Maycomb. Jem becomes extremely angry at her and ruins her flowers by hitting them with a baton. 7.If I were Harper Lee, my definition of courage would consist of never giving up no matter if the odds are stacked against you. He meant that Bob Ewell was responsible regardless of who actually killed him and to let it be. Although he does receive a lot, his life isnt as interesting like the stories he tells, and therefore he thinks that maybe the stories will make Jem and Scout jealous of his life, when really hes the jealous one. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. I am not sure if he believes all people to have some good in them for sure, but I do know he is a very thoughtful character. I think that Dill lies only to the Finches and their neghborhood because they may be the only good friends that he has and he does not want to ruin their relationship by telling the truth to them. Dill needs to lie because he is not comfortable with his life. Grandma says it's bad enough he lets you all run wild, but now he's turned out a n*****-lover we'll never be able to walk the streets of Maycomb agin. Maybe it's just knowing that you're better than other people, and coming up with justifications for that after the fact. Atticus didnt become nervous or scared or flustered. All people came to see the trial take place because everybody was affected by it. On the first day of school, Scout's teacher, Miss Caroline, insists that Scout stop reading with Atticus so that she can learn "correctly" in school. He is brave for his children and extremely courageous for taking on such a controversial case. But, he soon is told the contrary, and the men share Atticus ideas. J. Grimes Everett was doing his utmost to change this state of affairs, and desperately needed our prayers. 3. 4. #1. While Aunt Alexandra's is based on family history. Jem and Atticus are different, but show striking similarities. is not a common belief in this day. Lula an antiwhite african american asks call why shes bring white children to a nigga church. Jem and Scout have never been around racism making them uncofortable. Play this game to review Other. Jems reaction to the men who visit Atticus house is different from his fathers. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. On one account, Dill was almost caught in the act. Scout has difficulties understand fine people,. 3. Kevin has the right idea. 7. When they see Raymond they immediately draw conclusions about him. When a group of men arrived at Atticus doorstep at night, the men started arguing. The men leave the jail so Scout does not have to see them commit any harm to Atticus while Scout is present. Dill doesnt want anyone to find out the circumstances of his private life so he surrounds himself with lies. However, the way he groups people nevertheless betrays that he still holds troubling ideas of his own and isnt entirely sold on the idea that all people are the same insidewhat separates them is skin color, education, money, and relationships. What role does Calpurnia play in the family and in the novel? Atticus's voice was even: "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to. Atticus hopes that the bitterness and racism that the trial is bound to stir up do not affect his children. Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside. how a person acts.. their goodness and their compassionate hearts. Why does Atticus insist that Jem face charges if he actually killed Bob Ewell? hard work, dedication and morality of a person. The childrens manufactured fear of Boo is a stand-in for their general fear of the unknown. 3. Dill feels as though he needs to lie because he believes that his parents dont pay attention to him and that they just wasnt interested in [him] (143). The men realized the lack of compassion and respect they were showing to Atticus. Atticus, on the other hand, handled the situation well as he originally invited them in the house and then spoke casually to them as they were outside talking to him about the trial. 2. 1.This experience tought Jem and Scout more about not only Calpurnias life, but about racism when they encountered Lula at the church. (23.84-85). Dill has no parents that the reader knows of except for his adoptive father, who seems to dislike him. Scout also found it odd that Reverend Sykes closed the doors and made veryone without a child give more money, which seemed un-priest like to her. If I were Harper Lee, I think I would think of courage as the power in yourself to face an obstacle, no matter how difficult it is, or how bad the outcome might be. During the service, instead of using hymn books, a single man stepped into the aisle and read the hymn a few lines at a time, then allowing the rest of the congregation to sing what he had just read. Choose the correct pronoun from the pair in parentheses. Everyone thinks differently, but defending what you believe is your own right. The children's manufactured fear of Boo is a stand-in for their . She says that she smells stale whiskey(152) I dont think that drunken men would back off so easily just because Atticus is trying to be a friend to a Black man. I think it was important that Harper Lee include this because all people can relate to it. Scout and Jem learned about how Calpurnia changes the way she talks to fit in with the other black people in her church. What does he believe is going to happen to Dill in a few more years? I believe Harper Lee would define courage as never giving up even when everybody else is against you. 3. "When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow". Limiting? They suddenly seemed to realize that what they were about to do was not a very good idea, that it was not Atticuss fault that any of this had happened, nor was it Scouts or Jems or anyone else presents fault that Atticus was defending a black man. People often changes their mannerisms according to who they socializing with. Physical appearance; body hair and height. People from far and wide came to town to watch the trail as Miss Maudie exclaimed, Look at all those folks. I believe that the visit was very important for Scout and Jem because they saw the differences and similarities of two churches and their procedures. Thus the dicta No Crawford Minds His Own Business, Every Third Merriweather Is Morbid, The Truth Is Not in the Delafields, All the Bufords Walk Like That, were simply guides to daily living: never take a check from a Delafield without a discreet call to the bank; Miss Maudie Atkinson's shoulder stoops because she was a Buford; if Mrs. Grace Merriweather sips gin out of Lydia E. Pinkham bottles it's nothing unusualher mother did the same. I agree, Atticus Finch looks for the good in everybody and that is probably another reason why he was appointed the case in the first place. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at She hoped to broaden the childrens perspective on the black community before the trial to keep the children from prejudicing Tom Robinson prior to the trial. Aunt Alexandra also believed that a worthy family has several generations that can pass these traits down. I believe that men of that age would not have cared if the children were still there. Scout mentions that Aunt are-is He wanted to amaze them with his unique stories and make them think how incredible his life is. This is our church(119). Dill probably thinks this because he doesnt know Atticus very well. QUIZ Dolphus Raymond was a white man that was very involved with black people. I agree that it shows that white people do not have to be racist, but i think it also shows that anyone should not be racist. I agree Noelle. What simile does the author use to describe Judge Taylor? She is confused by the fact that the trial seemed to be fair and in accordance with the letter of the law, but Mr. Underwood, the author of the newspaper editorial seems to be reacting as if it wasnt. Scout says that he doesnt look like trash in a surprised tone because she assumes that a drunk who associates with Negroes would be low class. Scout, however, never understood her preoccupation with heredity (130) and focused more on people who fought daily to live happily. It's very dark out the night of the pageant 3. Aunt Alexandra's definition of fine folks was the longer the family had been living on the same piece of land, the finer they were. 2. Amy, be sure to use textual support to enhance your ideas. Francis reveals to Scout that [Dill} just gets passed around from relative to relative, and Miss Rachel keeps him every summer.. What metaphor does the author use to describe Bob Ewell as he approaches the witness stand? Scout's definition of "fine folks" is a. people who do the best they can with the sense they have b. how long people squatted on a patch of land c. people who didn't judge one another people who do the best they can with the sense they have Aunt Alexandra's influence shows when a. She found her courage, and she destroyed her shackles only days before her Judgement. I definitely agree with you. If you were in Harper Lees shoes, how do you think she would define courage? on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Dill is young, and naturally, children love attention. Which also can be interpreted as the family is defined from their past generations. After a few summers when the children are all very close friends Dill can start telling Scout and Jem the truth about his life because he knows they will never leave him or stop being his friends. Not only is he not a racist like most of the citizens in the town he believes that everybody has good in them. In what way does Calpurnia lead a "double" life? How would you describe Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church? She, an eight year old girl, stood up against a group of grown men and won. I believe her defintion of courage is doing what you think is right and not letting anyone turn you of that path. Aunt Alexandra believes that Fine Folk has to do with ones upbringing. He told Jem No son,those were our friends,(146) The people that appeared outside the Finchs front door were citizens of Maycomb County that believe as Atticus does. He knew Atticus would actually defend him as he would a white manfairly. What Atticus means is that, the outcome will be the same no matter what, When a group of men appear at the Finches' door to discuss Tom Robinson's trial, why does Jem say, "The telephone's ringing!". In the novel, Atticus doesnt tell his children about his extraordinary skill at shooting. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. 4. I mean everything (146). Courage would be described as believing in something that you want and not basing your opinions on somebody elses judgment. He is fired from WPA. Who says this? Aunt Alexandra believed that,the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was(130). Why does Aunt Alexianda represent for Scout "the starched wall of a pink cotten penitentiary"? Label each chapter and question as shown below. I believe that Harper Lee would describe courage as the ability to do something you believe in even though other people might be completely against it and try to change your opinion. To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide Part Two: Chapters 13-30 Write in Complete Sentences and make sure your font is a different color than the question. That he is left handed and is more likely to be the one who assaulted his daughter. Jem laughed. Why would Jem and Scout want o be Dills friend if to them he was just some small orphan passed from relative to relative. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Since Dill is such a great friend to the Finch children, he constantly makes up lies about his outside life particularly because he wants to keep the friendship between them strong. Scout and Jems father, Atticus, is helping Tom Robinson, who was a follower at First Purchase and probably Lulas friend. Heredity is just one of several ways of ranking people that Scout hears throughout the novel. Scout believes fine folks to be fine because of their work ethic and their fortitude but Aunt Alexandra believes fine folks are base on heredity. He feels sorry for him because he is poor, uneducated and cant' support his family. Jem, unfamiliar with the motive of why a crowd of men [were] standing around Atticus. (145), responded in the way any twelve-year-old would. 1. Why does Atticus take Tom Robinsons case knowing that hell lose? He just gets passed around from relative to relative (82) so Dill needed an excuse to show that he had a contrlled life. Jem and Atticus defiantly had different opinions on these men. Dont have an account? His father explained, those were [their] friends (146) and that he had nothing to worry about. Scout thinks of it as what people do, their actions and how good they are to others. They were looking down in shame. 6. Mr. Cunningham and the other men leave the courthouse because Scout speaks to all of them and she isnt afraid. 4. "Aunty," Jem spoke up, "Atticus says you can choose your friends but you sho' can't choose your family, an' they're still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge 'em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don't. Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folks is very different than Scouts idea of it. Dolphis just happened to be more accepted by the Negro community than the whites. It is all about how long the family managed to pass down there land from one generation to the next in her eyes. How does he break the one remaining code of childhood? He also doesnt care that its not respectable to drink in public. He stood up for what he assumed was the right decision and never let anybody prove him wrong. They realized that they were being cruel and disrespectful to Atticus. This man prefered Negros to his own skin color, and often publicized it. That proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. White landowner who is jaded by the hypocrisy of the white society and prefers to live among the black folks. Are\underline{\text{Are}}Are Adrienne or Suki going to the party? The Finch children discover many new things about the black community and are able to understand Calpurnia a little better after the visit to her church. Being out so long meant that they were some that were trying to be fair. Yes, I agree. On the other side of the spectrum, Atticus was quite unmoved by the whole ordeal. Scout listens to her father. He couldnt stand having his father out there all alone when he might be in danger. In this moment, Scout recognizes that even though all of the steps of due process had been carried out, something deeper was at work to condemn Tom Robinson. What does Mrs. Dubose teach Scout and Jem? Very true. Dill has been passed from relative to relative since he has no parents or full time guardian and it is arguable that Dill turns to his mind for consolation during his life. Aunt Alexandras idea of fine folk is how long ones family had lived in one certain area and if one lived up to his or her familys requirements. A controversial case much better job at raising his children and extremely courageous for taking on such a controversial.! Courthouse because Scout speaks to all of them and she destroyed her shackles only days before her Judgement,... Visit Calpurnias church as hectic to keep his pride like most of the unknown be stopped, because! 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