Why deny Science? Unfortunately, Paul made a big issue of it without my consent. And how insignificant we really all are, but then how fortunate we are to have this body and to be able to enjoy loving here amongst the beauty of the Earth itself. Jim Lovell, Apollo 8 & 13, It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. Jesus gave us an example of someone who was morally perfect, and yet sinners flocked to him rather than feeling judged by him. P.S. Of particular comfort are the passages about Jesus ministry as The Rosetta Stone, and your comparison of spiritual practice to music practice. Yancey says that this misses the point of the storythe point is actually the fathers outrageous love for his son. Bishop Scott Jones moves from extreme center of UMC to new Global Methodist Church, Jesus Revolution leaves out the tough stuff but gets the music right, Saddleback Church doubles down on support for female pastors, From Super Bowl ads to Kentucky revivals, stop the Christian cannibalism, Holy Queer author seeks Black church inclusion beyond singing with choir, Democrats pass resolution condemning white religious nationalism, Why right-wing populism should worry us all, Education Secretary Cardona: If it werent for my faith, I wouldnt be here, How Congress can bring good news to the poor this Advent, Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. Im still trying to work this out and would love to have your thoughts on this complicated topic. This is not helping the Evangelical cause. But he did meet skeptics he could not convince and sinners he could not convert. Hanukkah Very rich (and her daughter was murdered). Yours is a prime example, truly heartfelt. One thing that kept me going was my hope that Paul would not be around much longer. The weekend before I was to begin they called me and retracted my acceptance. I would be remiss if I didnt thank you properly or tell you that. Yes, its possible to be an evangelical Christian without embracing todays evangelical culture. Is he still at the same place he was when you originally wrote the book? That take is a far cry from his youth, where he grew up in a fundamentalist, King James-only church near Atlanta that often viewed the outside world with fear. Yet Yancey allows himself to escape the judgment he foists on others, by having a double standard. Writing is such an introspective act that I found myself looking for ways to connect with the planet bodily. You, Milt Richards, Tim Stafford and Ron Hutchcraft were leading the sessions. Where the Light Fell, Yanceys newly released memoir, is raw, honest, beautifully written, and at times searing. Old school, youd find out about books through your bookstore. Easy Donald is against killing unborn babies. People ask me who my favorite authors are and I always reply C. S. Lewis and Philip Yancey. When I told him that it was a misunderstanding, he said, Yes, I agree. Philip. Some examples. God bring something good from this, God clearly told me I was going to get pregnant from the rape. I would appreciate it if this is a possibility. There comes a point where you say *(^&* it. Herbert Spencer and others created Social Darwinism and caused a huge amount of suffering. We are, in fact, dead We feed on knowledge which has long since decayed. I think you should be careful, though, in declaring morally indefensible a position that the vast majority of scholars, religious and secular, have agreed on until very recentlyand that scholars such as Richard Hays and N. T. Wright maintain to this day. Whats So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. A multi headed hydra brilliantly dividing mankind employing sages St. Augustine teaches that the future is unknowable, which is also hinted at in many places in the Bible. Philip. We expressed our hopes and asked protection for our country. Ive been curious about Buechner too. Just a word of thanks & encouragement. I would read a chapter every couple days and think about what I had read. While living in the Chicago, Illinois suburbs, Philip joined the Campus Life magazine employees in 1971 a magazine aimed at the high school and university students where for eight years he served as editor. I am re-reading The Jesus I Never Knew for the umpteenth time and was wondering if you are watching the series The Chosen. However! And to give me some points (better with verses) that helps me and them to understand the importance of churchs in our Christian Life. So thanks for that. In this way we have ceased being the likeness of God, and our existence is unjustified. Philip. However, it does not look as though it will address a question I am interested in. I did not I could not imagine anyone holding a grudge and hatred for 18 years, I had very high respect for the Bishops, and leaders of the Church ,too high it seems and it did not enter my head that some could be as ugly as non Christians or worse. , You are my encourager of the month, Jee Kim. Reform Judaism is not about laws that Reform Jews see as primarily coming from humans, unlike Orthodox Jews. Thanks so much and God bless ewan His career choice was at least partly inspired by your books (specifically those written about and with Dr. Paul Brand). Im impressed that you were reading me at 16, and even more impressed that were still companions on the journey. Pray that the character of Christ will also be the character of his people. Thank you for all the books, especially the ones relating to the subject of suffering and pain. Korea was able to become independent because Japan lost the war. Have you ever considered visiting New Zealand? Sorry! I explained that the depression had resulted from bullying by my own licensor, Threshold Ministries, as well as my own Anglican bishops, Alberta government officials and the Edmonton police. For example, someone could have a deep depression or fear of associating with people, or even leaving their house. This is why I hope you find time to address this question. In fact, theyve proven themselves unreliable. My upcoming book is titled Caesar and the Sacraments.. Saul, well (I am expecting the religious here to go and spew scripture in my face by saying this and the reasons el al). I have been feeling quite overwhelmed, alone, discouraged and truly terrified that this journey will lead me to a place of unbelief, and what would I be left with then? So, during the spring of my senior year I was invited to preach to my fellow students and the faculty. I have had a desire to write for some time, and have been doing so for over a year, and would like to publish a book. Maybe in heaven well meet Take care and thanks. Just this summer I have been reading your book and it is speaking to me very clearly and refreshing my heart! Thank you. In short, Soul Survivor gave a great boost to my spiritual journey, and I am grateful to you for writing it and for helping to broaden my understanding of Christianity and its many valid and beautiful expressions. The best book on Hell I know is The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values; we fly in faster planes to arrive there quicker, to do less and return sooner; we sign more contracts only to realize fewer profits; we talk too much; love too seldom, and lie too often. Thank you for your life and your writing! I am not finished the book, or this process, but the knowledge that there are others who also wonder the same things is truly what I needed. Chiara Lubich gave me huge insight into how to live my life and she has and is still a huge inspiration to me however, God is great, because your book somehow showed me what we all need and that we are surrounded by grace and are surprised by grace. The other candidates running only have very small numbersof followers. And I am a vegetarian (actually, the only animal products I eat are the eggs that are produced by my own hens)because of the abominable treatment of factory farmed animals in this country, and because I would never kill an animal for food (never mind sport). Im sorry for what youre going through. Dear Mr Yancey, When I was growing up in a very fundamentalist, rigid, legalistic, hellfire brimstone church, the ungrace was mostly about behavior. From that time until today, I was exposed to some many coincidences that I had to marvel and wonder at what was happening. Paul expressed no interest in reconciliation. There you agree, that Christians have been killing a lot of other humans. I may have read it somewhere too, but I didnt write it. I also said nothing when I saw Paul and Ramazan later breaching security on numerous other occasions. Sincerely. And that's no accident, as Yancey draws inspiration from God's Word. As a nurse, I too have a deep concern for the poor, ostracised and suffering in any society, and hope to touch people in my sphere of influence by practical demonstrations of the love and grace of Jesus. Worth exploring further! Simply dumbfounded. Yanceys faith started to break apart late in high school, when he realized the church had lied to him about race. thanks for sharing, I didnt read all of the responses above mine, so I hope Im not repeating someone before me. When I failed to be accepted by a graduate school I had applied to, she said, God knew it would make you proud, so you didnt get in. Later, when I left the rural church I had served for a dozen years in west Texas to go to a suburban church in Ohio, she accused me of abandoning those good people for a big city church; again, because I was proud. P.S. I didnt know their stories. I dont think Im ready to write about it in more detail yet. Gwen and Mike invited me into their home to look after their 5-year old son when they were both working the same shift. I know there are plenty of Christians who share my point-of-view, even though I know many more who dont (unfortunately). As was my habit, I said hello to people passing by. Mr. Yancy, . And Ill quote some advice from a pastor friend of mine in Chicago. I have corresponded with her staff on numerous happy occasions over the years [18] [19], so I turned to her for support. His books have sold more than 15 million copies in English and have been translated into 40 languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. John Howard Griffin, a temporary black man, had the most impact on me because of his expose Black Like Me experiment. I spent my childhood and early teenage years in a strict fundamentalist church, and I found myself saying, Me too! throughout the book. If we had a breakthrough, we celebrate. I have to have Him! The tiny globe would continue to turn, serenely ignoring its subdivisions, presenting a unified facade that would cry out for unified understanding, for homogeneous treatment. She did send her boys to Bible school and fully expected them to serve the Lord.. Smith was out to get me. Help others find FamilyLife. Ive learned much from Swedish Lutherans, many Catholic authors, Orthodox priests and a host of others. I told all this because I want to ask you: How to react? If God had been seen in the last 500 years helping anyone, this statement has great power. We each had learned pastors who were regarded as Bible scholars; mine sometimes illustrated his sermons with humorous stories about darkies, and was the first person I recall using the curse of Ham justification for racial hierarchy. I hope that none of my readers is that grotesque anomaly an unchurched Christian-for the New Testament knows nothing of such a monster! This really upset me. And secondly the officer who I was replacing had never met with him in a year, and attended a Pentecostal church not an Anglican Church which had not gone down well. Can you tell me where you found this? If this was the end of the story, it would not have been worth telling. Merely, I have ambiguous obedience which you have mentioned. Your books have been so helpful to me. Despite the turmoil created by my reporting of Gord Dominey, life at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre went on. This week my Dad went home. I fell in love and was married before I entered medical school to a young woman who was reared in a very fundamental baptist church. Hi, Mr. Yancey And later, I learned not just empathy for people and animals (I always adored animals), but I think we were meant to learn empathy for Jesus too! Thus this book has particularly interested me. I feel now a pull to come back to attending the local Church, even if only to reconnect with local community and participate in local charity work to which I feel a calling as well. How brave you are to seek help. I read the Jesus I Never Knew, and it gave me new appreciation for the sermon on the mount. My name is Jee Kim. Such an encouragement. You well describe the writing life as one of solitude in many ways, of being misunderstood, and seen as rather odd, and all of that has served to affirm that as a writer, I am normal! For me, a prostitute is no longer a filthy thing, but a broken little girl forced to grow up the hard way. Philip Yancey The Question That Never Goes Away: Why? Change is most certainly on the docket for the next few years. In about 6 hours, an asteroid will pass Earth, in astronomical terms, by a hairsbreadth. Our Homegroup have just studied your book on Prayer and now will start the next bookWhats so amazing about grace. Such behavior is a violation of Canadian and international religious rights and freedoms, since all inmates have the right to celebrate their religious holidays. My pain, as I type is palpable. Phil concludes saying the jury is out. Answer: Thank you very much for your interesting question. please keep writing them. Just like you, I am having a hard time shedding the influence it has upon me largely because I owe an immense debt of gratitude to the denomination that facilitated my becoming a US citizen. Id like to hear what you think, and no I do not expect you to have all the answers Im looking for, but probably reading what you have to say would help me see it in a different light. As I mentioned before, I have read most all of your books but have also enjoyed reading Bishop Jack Spong, Marcus Borg and Brian McLaren and would probably categorize myself as a member of the church alumni association. Im curious to know if you have ever read some of these authors, and, if so, what your thoughts are. They wear out and die. Are Christians truly called to do that, or are there circumstances where this doesnt apply? $ 3.99 - $ 18.14. What a waste of life. Philip. Brandt Shelbourne. We really love your books. She is a nurse by profession, an agnostic and questions the existence of God. I would love to hear from you. To me, what you mention is more a personality issue than a spiritual issue. I met a pastor who also was a former law enforcement officer and who was leading a newly merged church. I recently watched the film Lord, Save Us From Your Followers. People are allowed to freely sin without consequence and sermons are touchy-feely inspiration that wont offend anyone because, as you seem to emphasize, we need to reach sinners by not offending them. Well said. (Jeremiah 29:13) Sounds like you are doing exactly that surely your eagerness and desire to speak with God pleases Him greatly! It took me a long time to get a job and three years ago I worked in a place where I was completely dissatisfied, unmotivated, miserly, and in a position that any teenager knew without effort and did not need to finish high school to occupy it. I sure had my eyes opened reading your book Whats so amazing about Grace. If I choose well, and God is pleased, how is God benefited? This young girl was constantly ridiculed. Please let me know if you would allow us to provide our brothers with this wonderful resource. I cannot feel its right to leave her on her own regularly, even though she would never stop me. Another first. Christmas Could you tell me the title of the book so I can try to purchase a copy of it? Yes, labels is confusing because I know a Evangelical Christian author who also does not believe in literal hell and Book of Revelation should be in the Holy Bible, those are strong Progressive things. As we were chatting, he told me that he had not been asked to write any report on the envelope incident either. What Ive learned, though, is that the more specific and detailed I write, it summons up responses in others who had parallel experiences, though not the same. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. You writing always seems to point the reader to this image of God in us. May you continue to experience joy in serving. I have followed your ministry over the years. RELATED: Mormon works versus evangelical grace? We read the psalms, recited the Lords prayer and sang, Hes got the whole world in his hands! Then, in the silence that followed, Sharon looked up with tears to say, My people have survived more than this. I went on a special program that brought together juvenile delinquents and federal prisoners, arranged by Chuck Colsons Prison Fellowship. One of them spends his life looking after the needs of homeless people, the elderly, undocumented immigrants, and people living (and dying) with AIDS. A big concern of Dobson is Supreme Court appointments. I cant wait to finish the book. Part 1 of a series inspired by Philip Yancey's book "Disappointment with God." Innocent children are dying of starvation in Third World countries. Youve have a profound influence on countless numbers of readers. Pray for people of color first, along with undocumented workers and those particularly dependent on governmental services and assistance. I miss my kids so much its like a deep grief. Eventually Barry had enough of Pauls abuse and resigned. He spoke of religious liberty being squashed by Hillary Clinton and quoted her discussing how she would change things along those lines. In the past few years I have felt a nudge to either use it or lose it and sometimes feel a deep sadness over lost time and not trusting that the abilities and talents God gave me were mine to use, to help others, to explore and maybe even to enjoy. Philip. Philip. Dear Mr. Yancey: I write this, I am praying, in a most respectful manner. But suddenly I arrived to Chapter 7 in yours Vanishing Grace and God struck me lovingly with your words. Bills are late. I could see Bob was really talking about patience, faith and forgiveness by suspending his judgement. And the one like it? What would Vol. There is this deep sense, a calling maybe, to make others aware of it anew. You may remember me from our contact in the early 2000s. I am returning to Jesus ministry at points of confusion. One day as I sat at my desk, I found myself sobbing for quite a long time. Any reasoning anyone gives for this is that we just have to wait until we die and then God will reveal himself. what Jesus meant when He said, I am the truth. I come from an insurance and banking backround. Having just read an unsigned alircte critical of your latest book, and as I am personally completing Whats so amazing about Grace I want to thank you for the insights you have shared. The cultural adjustment coupled with the differences in church life was really hard for me. I am writing a book about addiction and recovery and would like to quote some passages in this book. He always contradicts people who are blaming the victim. In general I agree with his approach, though it does raise some major questions, such as: What about when the sun burns out in a few billion years and planet Earth becomes unlivablehow does that square with eternity. It is so important to have a voice like yours in todays climate. [4] When he was one year old, his father, stricken with polio, died after church members suggested he go off life support in faith that God would heal him. I found affinity regarding your assessment of the fundamental beliefs and churches. As I look back, the greatest deception was just the representation of God that I had. Either virtually or physically. Religion still ensures regular mayhem with its confusing messages, ITS strategically chosen alias, is something called Christianity Thank you. Ive been thinking about how that affects my relationship with God. I understand what youre saying, Tom, and Ive had a similar frustration at times. While I stood in line to pay the bill, I observed a gentleman in a very worn and dirty signature suit. Your work on this front may well be complete, or at least the public sharing of it but I have to ask if your list is not exhaustive, and I know it is not who else would you include in your hall of honor? Like Donne, Philip Yanceys prayers have been answered. Friends sent out letters and brochures to raise support for me [15] [16], but very little financial support came in. You make me feel less lonely, and spur me further down the same path. I read you comments concerning your struggles with mental illness and the lack of resources available. This is one of the most moving accounts of redeemed pain that I have ever heard. But I may be wrong. Because its not like I no longer believe some of those things that I wrote, but Im more open and less dogmatic. His understanding of scripture has grown more nuanced over time. His face had a look of thunder on it. Im sorry I came across to you as bitter and cynical. Among us we have chronic and invisible illnesses (such as terminal cancer, depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue to name a few), broken families, unemployed spouses, wayward children, difficult marriages, alcoholism, financial struggles, etc. Your work is very important. One is to say, Thank you, thank you, thank you for your writing that has been such a gift to the church and to me. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. .) How fortunate we are to be able to grow through fellow pilgrims across the globe and the centuries, so like and unlike us. But it was mostly your writings that got me through this period of several years. We are here to be changed, to be made more like God in order to prepare us for a lifetime with him. I have no one to turn to, no one who can help me. Even though I was not interested, she showed me the photo. I have many friends now who face similar anguish. Hello dear Mr. Yancey I was conflicted by the contradiction between what I was hearing and what I was experiencing, so I put up my hand and asked Deputy Warden Belinda if I could make a comment. Philip. But the bigger question is how do we effectively pass on the grace and the prerequisite knowledge of Jesus, to people caught in sexual confusion/slavery. How to position? Philip. However, then I read a few interviews and Dobson made much more sense. I think if you heard Judaism explained by a Reform rabbi, you would have a very different understanding of Judaism. I have been struggling mightily with the New Testament worldview of demons as opposed to our modern worldview. And a person is currently working on a study guide for this new book. Many of these leaders routinely told me to keep quiet, and my refusal to do so finally cost me my job. As a Croat generation and proud of my ancestors who have left me in the legacy of love for homeland and faith I must correct you. Im thankful. I can hardly find the words to express how much your books have positively affected me. I dont have a sense of a grace-less God and it occurs to me that you and God Himself are probably why. To be honest (or TBH, Dad as my girls now say to me). So many of the themes you touch on match the things Im praying about or reading about in the Word. Including every single member of my wifes extended family. Before I learned about you, I sometimes wondered if there was anyone that asked the questions I asked, or saw the issues that I saw. When I went back to V and C for advice, the guard there called the control officer and told him to let me in. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, Look at that, you son of a bitch. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14, I really believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance of 100,000 miles their outlook could be fundamentally changed. There was a time about 12 years ago when I could not read the Bible, for reasons I dont have time for here. Monty and Frank sided with Threshold Ministries, and from that point on refused to communicate any more with me. So Id best decline. Unfortunately, very credible stories have surface in congregations very close to us personally that are difficult to ignore. The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and life has changed through the ages. I co-pastor of a small rural congregation alongside my husband, and preparing for a sermon recently I picked up The Jesus I Never Knew just to see what you had to say about the Wedding at Cana and I realized that now that I am coming up on my 36th birthday, it is almost 20 years since I first read it. Thanks for your blogs in the meantime. There are so many various doctrinal beliefs, one has to wonder To attain salvation, should we trust the gospeland repent? I found Whats so Amazing about Grace? to be very approachable, clear and interesting. It is a million miles away from writing or anything creative in general. And Im very gratified to hear from you. Our prayers are that people who ask him the meaning of his name, will read your books, feel understood and rediscover their faith. Brand & I was blown away. You make a good point, though: words change over time (80% of them pejorate rather than ameliorate) and it may be a losing battle. So when COVID, and job loss, and the deaths of my kids grandparents, and depression, and anxiety all joined forces to wallop my family and send me careening onto on my backside, I seemingly had no way to pull myself back up. 2 years later, I met someone who was a catholic, which sparked off a new found interest in reading about church history, and understanding the theological differences that catholics hold. My story could be parallel to his (except for the fiance bit). Philip says, History staggers under the weight of suffering brought about by human hatred and ambition. Yes, this appears true. And it is made more egregious by the staff having political connections. Thank you for asking the hard questions! Your books are REFRESHING! Philip, It was very nice to stumble upon this article of your bio. Now, Director of the Centers for Vulvovaginal Disorders Dr. Andrew Goldstein and leading researcher Dr. We forgive others because He forgave us. The Jesus I Never Knew in 1996 was among the two of his books that won the ECPAs Christian Book of the Year Award alongside Whats So Amazing About Grace? I just wanted to thank you for that initial spark. Thank you for this, Sally. She even complained to Threshold Ministries that I was trying to destroy her job. The spiritual insights I learned are amazing. Nevertheless, Ramazan took sides with Paul against me. He is the only One who defines christianity. I love to read C.S. Sometime after my dismissal, a large box arrived by regular mail at my apartment in Morinville. But they dont satisfy the soul. I read Whats So Amazing About Grace and agreed with your message so much that I have both recommended it and used several references from it in my amateur writer article The Simplicity of Grace prepared for my Serra Club Newsletter to be submitted for October. Your words helped me to get close to God and I wish you receive all God can give you in this life and at heaven too. It sounds like youve mastered the lessons on grace that Ive been exploring all these years. It was very therapeutic, he told me. Thank you Philip for the extensive research in The Jesus I Never Knew. The first few pages were a balm to my soul, somehow expressing perfectly what I have been feeling and the questions I have been wrestling with. I just submitted it to a publisher this month, and it should be published in 2021. One of my favourite portions of scripture is Jesus encounter with the woman at the well; how tender he was with her. And then you went on to the English version. I chose to remain behind to conduct two pre-scheduled chapel services because there had been no chapel services recently due to a series of lock-downs. Wrights books? I would love to go back to school but dont know if that is the right route or what kind of schooling is necessary. After my time there I went to work in the prison system and remained in that becoming the head chaplain over all the 13 prisons in Alberta a first for the Church Army and drawing incredible anger from the Salvation Army who had always held that position. Ive been reading Vanishing Grace, and it strikes at so many points that I myself have wondered; again, I want to thank you for what youre doing. Philip Yancey (Goodreads Author) 4.23 avg rating 3,944 ratings published 2001 33 editions. You heard Judaism explained by a Reform rabbi, you are doing exactly that surely your eagerness and desire speak... Your eagerness and desire to speak with God pleases him greatly serve the Lord Smith. You went on in yours Vanishing grace and God himself are probably why you went to... I would love to go back to school but dont know if you are watching the the! Just have philip yancey children wait until we die and then you went on unchurched the. Expected them to serve the Lord.. 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